Posted at 10:50 AM in Gardening, Holiday Decor | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Fourth of July, swede collection,
I love this time of year -- end of May -- first of June when the blue Hydrangeas bloom. Picked these on the north side of the house this afternoon. Wish they would bloom forever.
This vase from Wisteria catalog is the closest one in color that I have.
These plants are ones I got at the grocery store many years ago as potted plants to decorate with. When they finished, I planted them outside in the flowerbed. I always try to save them and not just throw them away. I put many of them with the shrubs in the greenbelt.
Placed the vase on my buffet. I've been redecorating and moving things around lately. The date stamp on the back of the gray English transferware platters is March 13, 1849. There are four in the set. One is huge [not shown]. Love them with the gray finish of the Swede trumeau and buffet.
I saw some dark red ones in a magazine this week. They were 2Die4. I also have pink but the bluish purple ones are my favorite.
Have a fabulous week!
Posted at 04:05 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Furniture, Gardening, Swede Collection Furniture, Swedish Furniture, Women Who Create Beautiful Things | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: blue Hydrangeas, flowers, gardening, Hydrangeas, Swede Collection, Swedish buffet, Wisteria catalog
Today on my daily quest to capture beauty, the bluish Hydrangeas were ready. I do favor the bluish/purple ones over the pink even though I have mostly pink ones. I tried the soil amendment to turn pink ones blue but don't think it worked very well or I didn't do it correctly.
I brought some inside to decorate around the house. The periwinkle blue column vases I purchased several years ago from Wisteria catalog. Bought them in a couple colors.
Photo: Swede
Posted at 06:56 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: blue Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas, Swede Collection furniture, Swedish buffet, Wisteria catalog
Spring has sprung. Picked the first Daffodils today. Love these resin vases I got last year from a florist that look like bulbs in cluster of three. Perfect way to display Daffodils and Hyacinths as they support the tall stems. Lidded blue and white jar Rick recently inherited from his Dad.
Warmth of Spring is so welcome. Can't wait to start planting annuals.
Photo: Swede
As you know about me, I try to find something beautiful in life every day. It is easy to find daily beauty now that Spring is here. Today I am showcasing the Apricot Quince bush. I have about 8 or so, both single and double bloomers and both varieties are shown below. So elegant and disease free. I have also backed the camera up so you can see the shrubs in the garden.
Definitely pure beauty.
Love all those layers of ruffles. Ball gowns should definitely be made in this color.
This single girl is plainly beautiful.
Cluster of prettiness.
This is how they look on the shrubs. Two here.
I hope that you too are finding beauty everywhere.
Colleen [Summer]
Photos: Swede
Posted at 09:19 PM in Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Apricot Quince, Swede Collection
I try to capture something beautiful each day. Today it is Flowering Kale. So beautiful to see in the midst of a cold winter the purples and pinks. Ornamental Cabbage is pretty too - just a different leaf - not so many ruffles. These plants are in big container pots and are about 16" across the plant. Big, beautiful and lovely.
It doesn't get below zero here but gets into the teens and these do fine.
They will start to get a little raggy on the edges in a deep freeze.
So refreshing and uplifting to see these colors when the rest of the garden is asleep.
Once all the Christmas decor is down, it is so nice to see these.
Colleen [Summer]
Photos: Swede
Posted at 07:31 PM in Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: container gardening, Flowering Kale, Gardening, Ornamental Cabbage, pink, purple, Swede Collection,
My very favorite tree is the ornamental Weeping Peach. I look forward to it coming into bloom all Winter long.
When I see this, I get excited.
This is what is coming.
This is the red Weeping Peach, not the pink variety.
When I got this tree, it was only three feet tall. The height where the first branch goes off to the left. I could not find one locally, so ordered it from a garden catalog. They had to cut it to three feet to mail it. Very slow growing. If it was three years old when I got it, this is only ten year's growth.
If you are in a climate zone where you can have one of these, it comes with my highest recommendation. Spectacular tree.
It is a real "looker" in your yard.
Here, it blooms at the same time as the white Yoshino Cherries. They look good in combination.
What I like about it most is the weeping form. This is in the backyard.
Here in my front yard is the non-weeping form, a straight Ornamental Peach. This one is severely leaning and probably won't live another year. I just don't have the heart to dig it out until it dies on its own. I am not able to straighten it back up.
Run out and get one this Spring. You will love this tree.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 08:04 PM in Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Colleen Stratton Martin, ornamental peach tree, red weeping peach tree, Swede Collection,, Weeping Peach tree
Posted at 12:57 PM in Flowers, Gardening, Holiday Decor | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: Colleen Stratton Martin, St. Patrick's Day, Swede Collection, The Dixon, Waterlily,
Posted at 04:47 PM in Flowers, Gardening, Paris Daily Photo | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Colleen Stratton Martin, Notre Dame, Paris, Parrot Tulips, Swede Collection,
Another year has come to an end. Mixed emotions. Looking forward to great joys but sad to see another year has passed. They say an ending is a new beginning. Perhaps time will tell.
In looking through my archive of photos, I found a photo that represents each month of 2013.
It is true that being a gardener you are a "forward thinker" constantly looking forward to what is blooming next. The thrill of anticipation. It also means that you are a nurturer of the soil, the plants, of beauty and life. The birth of the newest flower brings joy to the heart. You capture it and hold tight as long as possible because it will soon fade. Wishing that you may all have the spirit of a gardener -----
Photos: Swede
Posted at 09:14 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: Colleen Stratton Martin, flowers, gardens, Swede Collection,
It has been awhile since I posted about my flower garden. In the Fall is when all the annuals are at their best. They will hold until the end of November.
The Ferns will winter over on the porch. The container is lavendar Pentas and Impatiens. The red flowers in the background are containers of Dragonwing Begonias. They are really work horses in the garden with each plant getting about two feet tall and two feet wide.
Photo: Swede
Posted at 05:57 PM in Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Dragonwing Begonias, Ferns, flower gardening, gardening, Impatiens, Pentas, Swede Collection,
Posted at 10:42 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Colleen Stratton Martin, Fall blooming Iris plants, gardening, Iris, Reblooming flowers, Swede Collection,
Posted at 01:13 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Hibiscus, Swede Collection,
Posted at 06:07 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Bleeding Hearts, Dicentra
Posted at 06:21 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Ornamental Flowering Peach
Posted at 04:01 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: flowering trees, Yoshino, Yoshino Cherry
Our Easter Sunday today was cold and rainy. Between showers I went out and took some photos of the blooming shrubs.
This lovely gal is a peach Quince. Has tears all over her face.
In my garden, I have red Quince and peach ones. Probaby have about 10-12 of these peach ones. I really love how delicate the blooms are and look forward to seeing them each spring.
Hope you enjoyed your day even if you also had rain.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 05:00 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: peach Quince
I have been very bad about blogging on a frequent basis lately, in a slump. Today, I thought I would share some photos of fall at our house. I made a couple collages.
I wanted to catch our Autumn Glory maple before the leaves fell. We have two in the front yard that were a housewarming gift from my brother.
He even planted them in the ground for us. We also had one in the backyard but it died this spring.
I have two pots of Mums on the front porch. Here is one of them.
This is the second set of Mums in those pots this year. The first goldenrod colored ones I put out in late August when the nursery got them in. After they bloomed, I put them in the backyard and got more for the front porch but in a different color - rust.
The Zinnias are still blooming - love the color of the one above. We can usually get to Thanksgiving week before having a heavy enough frost to do all the plants in for the year. So far, only a light frost.
Hope you have fall color to enjoy at your house.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 06:37 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Autumn Glory Maple, Chrysanthenums, Zinnias
These three Zinnia sisters asked to have their portraits taken when I was weeding the bed today. Lovely ladies showing their true beauty.
Golden melon. Great color for a ball gown.
They all come up as volunteers from seed each year. I don't deadhead them or pick them so I get more seeds and more lovelies the following year. They are Mr. Swede's favorite flower.
September and October are the best flower months here. With fresh rain water and cooler temps all the flowers are at their peak.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 04:32 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Zinnias
Posted at 09:06 PM in Flowers, Gardening, Paris Daily Photo | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Notre Dame, Paris, Roses
I couldn't help but notice nearly every park, church and private garden in Paris had Foxglove plants blooming. Parisian gardeners certainly have a love affair with Foxgloves [Digitalis]. Their Parks Department must plant thousands of them.
This is in the rear garden of Notre Dame. The beds wrap around the perimeter.
These beds and monument are inside a fenced area on the back side of the cathedral.
Another view of the Notre Dame flower garden.
These flower beds are in the Tuileries Gardens.
That roofline view has been there for a long time. The light in these photos is not great as it was getting ready to rain.
It must take a large staff to maintain all the flower gardens, parks and monument sites in Paris city limits.
I can understand why Parisians love their parks. The density of residential housing is high so people don't own individual homes like we do with their own yards. The only place to go to get out of the house is to the public parks, museums, etc., so they make them very beautiful.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 03:10 PM in Flowers, Gardening, Paris | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Digitalis, Foxglove, Notre Dame, Paris, Tuileries Gardens
Today's beauty was a surprise this morning in the garden. The Blackberry Lily had opened. It is not in the Blackberry fruit family; it got that name from the black seed it produces in the fall that looks just like a ripe Blackberry. It's real name is Iris Domestica in the Belamcanda Chinensis family. Some people call them Leopard Lilies because of their spots.
I think they look more like Orchids than Lilies due to their tall scapes.
Mother Nature's perfection is awesome.
For those of you who want to know what the plant looks like in the ground, this is for you. It does resemble an Iris except the leaves are finer. And, it produces lots of babies from the seeds. I particularly like the color of this plant's delicate bloom.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 11:55 AM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Belamcanda Chinensis, Blackberry Lily, Iris Domestica, Leopard Lily
Posted at 05:49 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Gladiolus
Happy Birthday, America. Thanks for being the new world that was here for my ancestors who came in the late 1600's. Doing my research, I found children born in what is now Pennsylvania in 1700. I'm so glad they had the courage to sail and leave their native land. They were here at least 100 years before we became the United States. That's what I call courage to gain freedom.
And, Happy Anniversary to the blog Swede who is two years old today. I looked through the photos and made four collages in red, white and blue. First one with the three colors combined and then one in each color.
Have a fun and safe time celebrating our American history. I can't imagine what our lives would be like if the USA didn't exist by some other course of direction in our history.
Photos: Swede
Sources: Bunting:
Wooden stick flags: Target
Posted at 10:18 PM in Gardening, Holiday Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Swede,
Posted at 09:47 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
For those of you who asked for wider angle photos of our yard instead of individual close-up flower shots that I enjoy doing, this is for you.
This is the arbor near the smaller back patio. The Black-Eyed Susans all came up from seed. Last year I had white Moonflowers on the arbor but they are in the front yard this year. We had a light winter so most of the hanging baskets didn't die. I have 23 hanging baskets in the yard. This is nine of them. We are heading into high 90-100 degree tempertures so the plants will suffer heat stress until September/October.
Here is a little wider view of the flowerbed off the small patio section. Since all the plants don't bloom at the same time, the Daylilies, Irises and Peonies have already bloomed and are gone. There are two sections of the patio which I call small and large. All flatwork is Crab Orchard stone from a quarry. It has lots of colors in it especially when it is wet -- peaches, pinks, lavenders, blues, golds, etc. I am not going to show all of the yard sections today. There are the beds up close to the patios and fountain, the left and right side yards, the front yard and inner and outer rear back sections. You will not see any of the front, right side nor inner/outer rear back sections today. Save that for another post.
Here are more hanging baskets on a vintage hotel coat rack from Pennsylvania made of steel and iron. There is a brass Eagle on the top as a finial but I keep it in the house. It needs to be power sanded and repainted but I keep putting that project off as well as power washing the patios.
This trough is off the family room window. It is one of five windowboxes. Now that I know the pink plant will grow in the shade, I will add more of those next year in other colors. The coco mat trough is 48" wide and 12" deep and 12" across. I like the ones that can hold alot of dirt.
On the left side of the house, this is a 47 foot long raised brick bed with mostly Coneflowers, Dragonwing Begonias and Asiatic Lilies. There are two raised beds on the left side of the house. This is the taller one.
In this photo you get a better view of how long it is. We added all the hardscape to the yard. Since it was new construction, there was nothing but swamp on the left side of the house, no sidewalks, patios, bricked beds, etc. If you tried to walk there you would get ankle deep in mud. Adding the sidewalk and beds made the land usable. Underneath all of this is a drainage system Mr. Swede installed to get all storm water runoff from the front of the house to the rear ditch.
On the left side of the house, this is the shorter raised bed. It is 43 feet long with Iris, Roses, Creeping Jenny, Dwarf Crepe Myrtles and a pot of red Petunias.
This is the raised brick bed that touches the North side of the house which raises Hydrangeas, Hostas, Annabelles and Columbine.
In addition to the flowerbeds, I have containers all around the patios, walkways and underneath shrubs.
These Impatiens are in a pot underneath the Snowball shrubs. I like placing these as surprises underneath shrubs and trees where the flowers don't like growing in the ground.
Cupids planter pot. Pink tall Glads are in full bloom.
There is a pot underneath these Petunias that you can't see.
Pots near the back porch with Ferns.
White Dragonwing Begonias with a metal spiral even though they don't really climb. I just like the metal forms.
Black-eyed Susans really put on a color show. And I don't like the color yellow. But I let these live in my yard since the bloom lasts a long time.
A different view of the beds close to the large patio.
It always amazes me the difference in the beds from year to year how they change on their own with different plants spreading or seeding. I haven't had to buy Impatiens for years as they always come back from seed.
This bed behind the fountain has lots of Impatiens from seeds. I've added red Dragonwing Begonias every few feet. By October they will be huge.
Daylilies, although they don't last long, are easy to grow and give great pleasure. Especially the ones that are six inches across.
I have to admit that I never planned any of the beds. If I was at a nursery and saw something I liked, I brought it home and found some empty dirt to place it in the ground.
Some pink Hydrangeas under the Yoshino Cherry tree getting shade.
Hope you liked the haphazard garden tour. I still feel lucky to have ground to get my hands dirty in. Will be a sad day when I can no longer do that. So I can't complain about all the work it takes to maintain this. Mr. Swede [known fondly as my Yard Boy and sometimes my Water Boy] helps out a great deal when he is home. He is mainly in charge of digging big holes, watering and fertilizing. He was not a gardener when we got married 20 years ago but he has come a long way. His idea of a flowerbed was to fill it with gravel! He refuses to pull weeds. Why is that always the woman's job?
And, yes, I have weeds.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 08:59 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 12:32 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Black Velvet Iris, Iris
Probably my favorite nursery rhyme as a child was The Little Red Hen. This rhyme teaches independence in doing things yourself and other virtues to childen. The book has been illustrated and rewitten many times. I'm not sure there was an original author to credit. I have had to be The Little Red Hen on many occasions during my adult lifetime. Mr. Swede became very familiar with the book and its morale after we married. He did not know the book as a child. I highly recommend you find the book and read it, even though you are not three any longer so you understand this post and read it to your children or grandchildren.
Once upon a time The Little Red Hen had a beautiful Weeping Peach tree in her yard.
The Little Red Hen went to the nursery, purchased the tree, lugged it home and planted it all by herself. The tree grew and grew and grew into The Little Red Hen's favorite tree. She LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the tree each Spring when it bloomed.
Then a very nasty bad fungus came and killed the beautiful tree.
The Little Red Hen was SAD, SAD, SAD.
So as the nursery rhyme goes, The Little Red Hen asks for help removing the tree.
No, said the strong Ox.
No, said the mighty Horse.
No, said the helpful Cow.
So, The Little Red Hen says, "I will do it myself". And she did. She sawed off all the dead branches and drug them to the street for garbage pick up. Did I mention how huge those limbs were????
Who will help me take down the seven foot trunk?
Not I, said the strong Ox.
I will use my chainsaw said the nice neighbor if you will help me cut down my Pine tree limbs. And, he did. [I don't think that was an even exchange on my part!]
Who will help me take out the big stump?, said The Little Red Hen.
Not I, said the strong Ox. Nor the Horse, nor the Cow [you get the rhyme by now].
"So I will do it myself", said The Little Red Hen. And she did.
Now I have to fill in the hole. It doesn't look it from this view, but it is about 10" deep.
Here is another photo of the stump for Mr. Swede who is in Taipei today.
I have been killing myself in the yard the past two weekends. Went to the nursery and got 12 flats of annuals and 5 shrubs, so off to fill the hole and do some planting. Hope you are having fun!
Photos: Swede
Posted at 12:35 PM in Do It Yourself Projects , Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Nursery Rhyme, Ornamental Pink Weeping Peach tree, Pre-school book, The Little Red Hen, Weeping Peach
Posted at 05:33 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Bearded Iris No Down Payment
Posted at 05:03 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Bearded Iris
Posted at 06:58 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Bearded Iris
As an original content blogger, I try to capture something beautiful every day to enrich life for myself and others. Today's photo captures an almost cloudless sky as a background to the red Camellias in my raised flowerbed. The angled shot up towards the sky worked out nicely.
I'm working in the flowerbeds and reworking the potted containers. Mr. Swede helped me bring home from Lowe's a truckload of soil conditioners and mulch and he repotted the Kimberly Queen ferns on the patio. Hope you are enjoying a nice Spring weekend.
Photo: Swede
Posted at 08:05 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Camellias
I got ahead of a holiday for once. Usually I am way behind. Two weeks ago, I decided to put an Easter wreath on the door and plant Pansies in the containers. With Easter more than a month away in April, I had more time to enjoy my work.
Lots of purples and only a little of yellow since it is not a color I enjoy.
Here is a close up so you can see the Easter eggs and other details. The purple Clematis garland worked out wonderfully for this wreath. All supplies from Michael's.
I always have plants in the two containers on the front pillars. I filled these with Pansies which will last until June when I replace them with Summer flowers.
And here is another container on the side of the house near the garage.
Here is a sweet lilac colored Pansey face for you.
And a cute white and purple one.
I hope you all are getting some Spring weather where you are by now.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 07:35 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening, Holiday Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: container gardening, Easter decor, Easter eggs, Easter holiday, Easter wreath, Michael's, Pansy
We planted two Okame Cherry trees in the greenbelt behind our house probably 9/10 years ago. They are the first Cherry trees to bloom in the spring. Our Yoshino Cherries come afterwards.
The blossoms only last a week before all the petals fall to the ground. A very short bloom time, so I have to capture them quickly.
Very delicate pale pink blossoms which appear before the tree leafs out.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 04:12 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Okame Cherry tree
Dear Mother Nature: Thank you for the brown fur coat that kept me warm all winter.
It kept the chilly winds away.
And protected me from the cold dark nights.
You have brought us Spring weather and the time has come.
It is time for me to take my furry brown jacket off.
And show the world what hides inside. I will lay the brown stole on the bench when the dance begins.
I want to wear my pretty pink dress.
My pretty pink ballerina dress.
And be the fairest princess at the ball.
Alas, the prince has asked me to dance while the orchestra plays The Miracle of Life.
Photo Credits: Swede: Tulip Magnolias
Posted at 03:58 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Tulip Magnolia
Today as a bud, I am full of hope.
Full of desire and expectation.
Preparing for my glorious day.
My day will arrive when I show my true beauty.
And as I age gracefully, I will become this - - -
Grown up and full of eloquent style.
Photo: Swede: Camellia Japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' blooms in my garden throughout February.
Posted at 09:00 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Camellia Japonica 'Kramer's Supreme', double red camellia
Posted at 02:38 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Forsythia
I like white pumpkins in the fall but my choice for squash are these blue/green ones.
I put these on my foyer console table, but I like them on a mantel also. Wire basket with tray for potted plants is from Hobby Lobby. I also like the greenish/gray shade of the metal. The winter Hubbard squash last for months so you can delay cooking them and enjoy decorating with them first.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 08:05 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 07:41 AM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 06:13 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Today's daily dose of beauty is my hanging basket of Geraniums.
I love the vibrant salmon or coral color of this Geranium. The tag says it is a "Classic Dark Salmon Noblesse Zonal Geranium". She, of course, is loving the cooler weather and producing more blooms than in summer. I am going to take her inside and try to winter her over. My Mom grew Geraniums indoors so I am going to try it as the plant will freeze in the next two weeks.
Photo: Swede
Posted at 06:49 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Dark Salmon Noblesse Geranium, Zonal Geranium
Posted at 04:53 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Betty Boop Rose
Posted at 06:23 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Zinnias
Today's daily dose of beauty.
When the weather cools in October the Dragonwing Begonias are at their best. This container has only three plants in it. At its fullest, the Begonias will be about five feet wide and about 30 inches tall. Dragonwings are so easy to grow and provide full bloom all season with very little shedding. It certainly makes the top 10 list of favorite annuals.
Around the fountain and patio, I have four containers this size of coral Dragonwings, two of white Dragonwings and four concrete planters of coral Dragonwings mixed with Blue Daze. They all put on a beautiful display for the backyard viewable from the covered porch as well as inside the house. I sure hate to see frost hit them as they just melt.
Photo: Swede
Posted at 09:54 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Dragonwing Begonia
Miss Orange Zinnia is very happy with the new cool fall weather.
She looks delightful. I captured her when I came home for lunch today. She is so pretty she makes you smile. I am savoring her colorful gift to the world as all the flowers will be gone at the first frost right around Thanksgiving time -- about four weeks.
Photo: Swede
Posted at 07:28 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Zinnia
Posted at 05:38 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: moonflower, white moonflower
Posted at 09:25 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Hibiscus
Reblooming Iris plants bring such delight because they are so unexpected in autumn. I only buy the reblooming variety at the Iris society plant sale in August so I can get my double thrill for the year. There are so many new colors to choose from in the rebloomers I just can't go back to the old variety.
These purple lovely ladies wearing their ruffles are such a delight. Dressed for a party.
Have a wonderful week.
Photos: Swede
Posted at 07:47 PM in Flowers, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Reblooming Iris, Repeat Blooming Iris
Posted at 06:01 PM in Daily Thing of Beauty, Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Dynamite Crepe Myrtle