William C. Wood of Clinton, MS is a skilled artist who creates beautiful florals from copper. I met Mr. Wood at the Antique & Garden Show of Nashville. His work deserves a special post. These metal flowers are so life like. I apologize for the poor quality of these photos. The Convention Center had very poor lighting in the booths and the entire building. Each booth had to have their own display lamps to try to get more light on their products. I don't know why the show managers chose to have a dark interior. Mr. Wood's florals are fabulous in person.
The details of each flower is amazing. Here are some photos of his booth at the show.
Very pretty large combination.
I noticed the containers he used and how they were chosen to go with the plant he created.
I believe this is Lilly of the Valley.
The bottom ones look like Nasturtium to me. I should have asked him what some of these are.
This looks like Narcissus.
And this one looks like Ring of Fire Daffodil.
There was a large variety of plants to choose from so you could pick your favorite flower.
There was a price point for any collector. I saw prices ranging from $65 to $750.
It was amazing that these are metal.
This looks like maybe a Siberian Iris.
Collectors who knew his work were back again to get another favorite.
How about a berry vine?
Here is the one I selected.
A very cute little Orchid in a teal pot.
If you would like to contact Mr. Wood, go to:
Or phone: 601-346-5737
All the best to you,
Photos: Swede